How to print student passwords?

How to print student passwords?

1. To print student passwords, go to
Classes, and select a class.

2. From the Overview tab, click on Class Menu, then Print Logins.

3. You can choose from the available options: Print Card Layout, Print List Layout, or Show On Screen.

  1. Print Card Layout would be used if you were distributing student passwords to each user.

  2.  Print List Layout  prints their login information in a list layout: 

  3. Show on Screen would just be for a quick reference if a student had forgotten their password, and you don't want to print all of their passwords.

(Important Note: Only 4 key-system generated passwords will be visible in the password column for Print Logins. If you would like to provide a 4-key password for your students, you may refer to this guide: How can I reset my student's password?)

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