How do I reset passwords for multiple users?

How do I reset passwords for multiple users?

For students who are not using any SSO login option (i.e: Google, Apple, Clever, etc)  you can reset their password directly from your admin interface.

Option 1:  From the Users section

1. Go to Users, and click on the box beside their name to put a check mark: 

2. Next, click on the Reset Password icon to provide a new password to the selected users: 

Option 2: From the Students tab 

1. Head over to Classes, and select a class:

2. Go to Students, and click on the box beside their name to put a check mark: 

3. You can click on the Reset password icon from the menu. 

(Important note: Resetting their passwords through this method will provide them with a 4-key system generated password that is both secure and easy to remember.)
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