How to print certificates for students?

How to print certificates for students?

The Print Certificate button will only be available for courses and tests/assignments your students have completed. This is an option you can use if you would like to provide a certificate of completion.

1. Head over to your class, go to Students, then click on the first name of your student.

2. You'll be moved to their User Dashboard. From here, click on User Reports, then click on Go To Reports under Curriculum progress: 

3. The Curriculum Progress page will display the current curriculum progress of your student, and you can click on the down arrow to expand the view.

4. The Print certificate button will only appear if your students have reached the 100% completion rate for a course (section) under a curriculum. This means that they will need to complete all the lessons in the course before you can provide the certificate of completion


1. For completed tests and assignments, you can provide this by clicking on the name of the test/assignment > Print certificate:

2. It's also available in your students' Tasks section > Completed > Print Certificate

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