Class menu's options and functions

Class menu's options and functions

Best read with the guide: Class Overview


Enroll an existing user or create a new user account and enroll them to the class.


Change the class information such as its name, description, grade, and type of class. 


Check on the previous and current week's Hall of Fame ranking.


Download the user list of the entire class. This will include their name, last name, email address, username and passwords.

(Important Note: For the Export Class and Print Logins optionsonly 4 key-system generated passwords will be visible in the password area. If you would like to provide a 4-key password for your students, you can refer to this guide: How can I reset my student's password?)


Print the login credentials of your students. You can also have it as a PDF file, and choose to show the information in a card or list layout.


Allows you to print or create a PDF version of the parent letter for each of your students. It will already include codes that will generate their names and login credentials. It is also customizable, and you can place the codes in any area of the letter:


By using this option, you can disable all of your students' access to the class. You can simply click on Resume for them to regain access once again:



Allows you to delete the class, as long as there are no students in it.


You can set a single password for all of your students in the class. Please read the notice below before using this option:

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