Typesy Homeschool
Admin interface guide
1. The Admin interface can be accessed anytime by signing in to your Admin account. 2. The Homeschool class is where you can manage your class, add students, provide word lists, test/assignments, and more. 3. To add students, click on the Students ...
User Reports
The User Reports tab contains various information regarding your student's training time, curriculum progress, and more. 1. To get to this area, simply go to your Homeschool class > Students > click on the first name of the student: 2. You'll then be ...
User Dashboard
1. To access the User Dashboard, you can head over to the Homeschool class > Students > click on the first name of the student: 2. This area contains various information you can check on, and options you can use to manage the student's account.
How can I monitor my students?
Monitoring your students in Typesy was designed to be simple, hassle free, and customizable. 1. By going to the Homeschool class > Students, you will be able to monitor what your students are working on, their last activity, and more. 2. You can ...
Class menu's options and functions
Best read with the guide: Class Overview 1. Create a new user account, and enroll them to the class. 2. Change the name of the class. 3. Check on the previous and current week's Hall of Fame ranking. 4. Print the login credentials of your students. ...
Class Overview
Class Overview is located inside a class. It contains different options and information that are easily available for teachers and admins. 1. Simply go to the Homeschool Class, and you'll immediately see the Overview page: 2. In this area, you'll be ...
Typesy Hall of Fame
Typesy Hall of Fame displays the top 50 users who have earned the most Typesy status points for the current week and the previous week, depending on the tab selected. The weekly total is reset every Sunday at 1PM UTC, and it is important to note that ...
How do I create tests or assignments?
1. Head over to the class > Tests and Assignments > Click on Create Test/Assignment: 2. Next, select from the available options: Typing Assignment, Spelling Assignment, Typing Test, or Vocabulary assignment: 3. In this example, we'll select Typing ...
How does the Login As feature work?
The Login As option is located in the Student's user dashboard. Please note that by using this feature, you are signing in to their accounts as the admin, and all progress made will also reflect in their progress reports in real time. Where to find ...
How can I change my student's account information?
1. Head over to the Homeschool class, click on Students, then click on the first name of the student: 2. You'll be moved to their User Dashboard. From here, click on the 3 dots Menu, then click on Edit: 3. This option allows you to update their ...
Class Reports
1. The Reports tab can be accessed by going to the Homeschool Class > Reports: 2. Select a report to view, then click on Go To Report: 3. Each of the report categories will have different information available, so you can monitor the progress of your ...
How to delete student accounts
Whether you've created a duplicate account, or just need to free up a license to add a new student, you can easily process the deletion from your admin interface. 1. Sign in to your admin account, head over to the Homeschool Class, then click on ...
Certificate of Completion
The Print Certificate button will only be available for courses and tests/assignments your students have completed. This is an option you can use if you would like to provide a certificate of completion. 1. Head over to the Homeschool class, go to ...
Word Work
Typesy is not just a Typing program! The Word Work feature allows you to provide a word list to your students, allowing them to learn and master new words. 1. You can provide a word list by going to the Homeschool Class > click on Word Work > Assign ...
Typesy Pets
As they learn, Typesy encourages kids to keep going by hatching pets. Kids love to hatch the pets and collect them on their profile. Equipping a pet even enables special powers in the program! Hatching a pet 1. Students can hatch a pet only after ...
How to reset or change a student's password
There are three ways you can do this, and all of them can be done straight from your Admin interface. Option 1: Providing a 4 key password 1. Sign in to your Admin account. 2. Head over to their class. 3. Click on Students > Click on the 3 dots at ...
Class settings
Admins will be able to change various class settings from their admin interface. 1. You can head over to the class, and go to the Settings tab. Here, you'll have access to different categories and options that you can toggle ON (blue) or OFF (gray) ...
Student settings
While admins have full control on what settings a student can change from the admin interface, those that you've allowed will be accessible from their end. Here's how they can modify the settings: 1. During a typing lesson, they can click on the gear ...
How can I change the keyboard theme?
1. Start a typing lesson, and click on Keyboard Theme located in the lower right hand corner of your screen: 2. Select the Keyboard Theme of your choice, and click on Save. 3. More customized Keyboard Themes will be available as you reach new Typesy ...
Can admins also take courses?
Admins can also use Typesy and all of its features. You will have your own Student Interface, and you'll easily know if it's yours, since you'll be shown a notice like this: If you signed in using the Windows/Mac Desktop App, you might have been ...
How can my students sign in?
Your students can login to their accounts using their username/email address and password or if they use any SSO login options (such as Google or Apple) with their email address, they can use the Sign in with buttons on the left. Typesy also uses the ...
How can I add or remove curriculums?
1. You can add curriculums to the class by going to the Curriculum tab, and clicking on the Assign Curriculum button: 2. You can hover your mouse over a curriculum and click on Assign to provide it to the class, or you can also click on Info & ...
Creating and managing student accounts
1. In your Admin interface, you'll see the Homeschool Class readily available. You can add and create new student accounts by clicking on the Add Child button under the Class Menu: 2. Once done, you can manage their accounts in the Students tab. You ...
How can I access the Admin interface?
You can sign in to your admin account to access the admin interface anytime. The admin interface is used to manage your class, provide tests/assignments, add/remove curriculums, or to check on your student's progress, and more. The admin interface ...