How do I know which curriculum I started or left off with?
1. All the curriculums you've clicked on Start, will show up in the Continue Learning area: 2. If you were already working on a lesson in a curriculum, you'll see the Continue button when you hover your mouse over it. You can also do this for any ...
What is course progress?
Course progress is the progress of a user in the curriculum they are working on, and is based on the number of steps (lessons) completed.
What is Typing Mastery?
Typing Mastery is a user's rating out of 10 on Typesy, and is the most important number to check for improvement. It is calculated using our "secret sauce" that considers your keyboard knowledge, speed, and accuracy. It is a value based on the amount ...
How does Typesy points work?
Typesy Points is a reward system to encourage engagement, and serves as a motivator to keep practicing. 1. You get points simply by working on your typing lessons or by playing games. 2. Once you've collected enough Typesy points, you'll be able to ...
How can I send a feedback?
Feedbacks are a great way to let us know if there's anything we can improve on, report a bug, or if you have any suggestions for a feature that you would like to see. 1. To send us a feedback, click on your profile picture located in the upper right ...
What does Adjusted Speed mean?
Adjusted Speed is a user’s typing speed (WPM) affected by accuracy (%): Typing speed x Accuracy
How can I view more information about a curriculum?
1. You can hover your mouse over a curriculum, and click on Info: 2. If you are an admin or teacher, you can also hover your mouse over a curriculum and click on info & preview in the admin interface:
Where can I find the date of completion for a course or lesson?
1. Hover your mouse over a completed course or lesson, and click on Review: 2. You'll be able to see the date of completion indicated in this menu. 3. You can also choose to: Review the lesson, and it won't affect the current progress data, or you ...
What does the Require Correct Key option do?
1. You can click on the gear icon during a typing lesson to bring up the settings menu, and toggle the Require Correct Key option ON (blue) or OFF (gray). 2. Turning it ON will prompt users to type in the correct key before they can continue with the ...
What is Public Profile?
The Public Profile page lets users exhibit and certify credentials to employers along with their typing speed, accuracy, print course certificate, and keyboard heat map. 1. You may toggle the option on/off by clicking on your profile picture located ...
How can I edit my profile?
1. Click on your profile picture located in the upper right hand corner of your Typesy screen: 2. Next, click on Edit Profile: 3. Here, you can: Build your avatar, upload an image to use as your profile picture, change the background, change/update ...
How do I track my progress with Typesy?
1. Typesy tracks and stores all your progress in your Profile > Dashboard: 2. You can hover your mouse over each section to get a brief explanation on what it does or to check your current Typing Speed (WPM) and Accuracy (%). 3. More information is ...
How do I add a specific word to another Word List?
1. Head over to your Words section and click on your word list. 2. Hover your mouse over a word, and click on the 3 dots: 3. From the menu, click on Add to and select the word list you want to add it to. You can also create a new word list by ...
How do I clone a word List?
Cloning a word list means to create a "copy" or to create a duplicate word list with the exact same contents. This option also converts any premade word list into a custom word list. 1. To do this, head over to any word list, and click on the 3 dots ...
How do I add words to my custom word list?
1. Go to your word list, then click on the 3 dots Menu > Add words: 2. Next, simply enter the words you'd like to add to the word list, and click on Save.
How can I learn more about a word in a word list?
1. Head over to any word list, and click on a word: 2. Once done, you'll be able to listen to the word's pronunciation, and learn more about it.
How can I create a custom word list?
Custom word lists are word lists that you have manually created, and are fully customizable. 1. To create your own custom word list, simply head over to the Words section and click on New Word List: 2. Enter the name of the word list, add in the ...
How do I change the contents used in the games and activities?
1. Head over to the Play section, start a game, click on the current exercise, then click on Typing Drill: 2. Typing Practice (Auto): Automatically matches your current curriculum progress to be used in the games and activities. 3. Typing Drill: You ...
What do the green check marks in the lessons and locked courses mean?
For Typesy VIP: 1. The green check mark indicates the completion of a lesson. 2. Typesy recommends to take the lessons as presented: Level 1 > Level 2 > Level 3, and so on. A Coursed locked message prompt appears if you were to click on a lesson that ...
How do I change my Typesy Background?
1, Click your profile picture located in the upper right hand corner of your Typesy screen: 2. Click on Edit Profile: 3. Next, click on Change Background: 4. You can select from the available backgrounds, or upload an image to use. You'll also be ...
What keyboard layouts are supported by Typesy?
Typesy currently supports the following Keyboard Layouts: 1. US 2. UK 3. Spanish 4. Brazilian 5. Canadian Multilingual
What are the different versions of Typesy?
TYPESY FOR DISTRICTS AND SCHOOLS This version is appropriate for schools that need a keyboarding program. It provides district-wide or school-wide access. It has an admin interface that allows teachers and admins to track and monitor their students’ ...
Can I change the theme in Typesy?
Absolutely! Furthermore, Typesy adjusts its theme automatically to match your device's theme setting. 1. To change the theme, click on your profile pircute located in the upper right hand corner of your Typesy Screen: 2. From this menu, you can ...