Here are the most common reasons and message prompts that you may get when trying to add or create a new user, and the workarounds to resolve the issue:
Email address already in use

1. The user's email address is already being used in a different account.
2. The user's email address created a trial account. This can happen when they signed in using any SSO options such as Google, Clever, Classlink, etc, before their account was added to a class or before their account was added in your roster.
Workaround: We recommend contacting our Support Specialists to help you identify, and resolve the issue as soon as possible. You can submit a ticket here:
Helpdesk and they will be there to assist you.
Username already in use
1. Usernames are unique across the Typesy database, so there would be times that the username you're trying to enter is already being used by another user.
Workaround: Usernames are primarily used to login to their accounts. You can add a number to the chosen username. For example, you attempted to enter the username: TypeSy and was shown the prompt, you can try changing it to: TypeSy35 to see if it goes through.
Another workaround for this is to simply leave the check mark on Generate Username when creating their accounts. The system will choose an available username based on the first name and last name (optional) along with numbers if needed.

Unable to import users
1. When you're attempting to import a list of users from a CSV file, and received this message prompt, the reasons would be the same as the ones previously mentioned in this guide.
Row (number): Lets you know what row/rows are having the issue, so you can easily go to the CSV file, make the necessary changes and reattempt the import.
Email already in use, Username already in use: Lets you know the issue with the user credentials you're trying to import.
Workaround: To avoid duplicate accounts, Typesy will help identify the information, and filter out those that would have the same credentials.
Username already in use, you can follow the same workaround as mentioned above.
Email already in use, you can contact our Support Specialists, along with the CSV file you were trying to import and let them know which class you are looking to add the users in, here:
Helpdesk. They will reattempt the import, identify the issues, provide you with information, and work on a resolution in a timely manner.