How can I individually create user accounts?
1. From your admin interface's home screen, click on Add:

Or you can also go to the Users section and click on the Add User button:
2. In the spaces provided, you can enter the user's account information.
3. You can leave the Generate Username and Set/Generate Temporary password with a check mark, and Typesy will provide them with a unique username, and a 4 key-easy to remember password.
If you prefer manually entering the information, simply uncheck the boxes by clicking on it, then type in the information:

4. Next, set the
Type of User: Student, Teacher, or Admin. You can also choose to enroll the user in a class right after the account creation, by selecting the class name in
Enroll in Class.
5. Once done, click on Add, and their user account will appear in the Users section's roster, and in the class you've enrolled them in.

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